ima go to bed now cause my cramps are in a down cycle again so maybe i can fall asleep before they are back. i’ll leave you with a picture from our house today. the kitchen is all ready:
WHAT a LOVELY kitchen!! I jsut stumbled over your journal….would love to add you…. 🙂
Um..I just thought I’d write, I got the urge after you mentioned the cramps…
The other day, I had them SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, I almost DIED!!! I could’nt move, I was restless, trying to rest…I waited about 7 hours for my loving fiance to get home with some drugs…
Lucky I got jsut got worse..and I didn’t know how much worse it could GET!
Anyway, if not for those ugly shitface cramps, the world would go on without people….BIG picture…BIG picture..
Chin up..hope to talk to you soon..from Jojo xox 🙂
P.S I LOVVVE writing! 🙂
house looks awesome!
They have that new drug for cramps and other PMS type stuff. I saw the commmerical.It is for PMDD and is called Sarafem (?) But its the same ingredient as Prozac, (which also supposedly works for cramps)
Ever since I started to take Luvox (another SSRI med aside from Prozac) I have no had problems anymore although before I would get crampsback spasms so bad I could barely move. Not to mention mood swings so much that I actually even freaked MYSELF out. I don’t know for sure if you are *anti-drugs- just wanted let u know about it.
also Dr weil has tons of great tips that actually help.
That is one gorgeous kitchen. I’m sure you don’t get many men making comments like that, but it looks awesome.
I’m not afraid to say it,.. it’s MINE!!!!
a question…
hi steph!
i got another quick question (sorry to bother you again):
how did you do the rec effect on your home2 camoimage???
I wondered is the rec with the corners one image and the other are stripes you added? or is this a filter occulus already has? i am very curious…
and if you did the stripes (like on a screen or tv) yourself- what filter in photoshop is it?
i have to do something with this stripes for work and can not seem to figure out how to do it right…*sigh*
oki anyway. hope your bad cramps go away fast and you feel better soon!
Wow that is a pretty kitchen. I love those island thingies they have, and you were definitely right to pick the black countertop..=] hope your cramps feel beetter..bye!
Wow. Someday I want a house like that… someday
Beautimus House!!
Stephanie, I just looked over your latest pics of your house in the members section. All I can say is: WOW!! Your house looks beautiful!! The kitchen is lovely (ooooh, hardwood floors and a stove-island thingy) and your master bath looks so elegant (I love the fixtures). The front of the house is incredible (I’ll be honest, I didn’t think it would look that great when you said you were getting a townhouse). I know you and your honey will enjoy the fireplace (my honey and I love ours….it is even remote control in our new house :-P). Good luck with the move in, I know how hectic it can be! BTW, when will the down time begin for stvlive?
Your kitchen looks beautiful. I wanna pretty house too! Oh well. Maybe someday. I’m just thankful for what I’ve got right now. I was going to say that I feel for you about your crampies. None of my friends have them as bad as I do. Nothing helps. I will go soak in a hot bubble bath. SOMETIMES that helps. Ugh. This morning at 3am I got up b/c I was hurting so bad. yuck. I know I’m on the countdown until it’s time to go home and go to sleep! Feel better Steph!
*shimmie shimmie hugs*
That is a beautiful kitchen, stefunnee! 😀
WHAT a LOVELY kitchen!! I jsut stumbled over your journal….would love to add you…. 🙂
Um..I just thought I’d write, I got the urge after you mentioned the cramps…
The other day, I had them SOOOOOOOOOOOO bad, I almost DIED!!! I could’nt move, I was restless, trying to rest…I waited about 7 hours for my loving fiance to get home with some drugs…
Lucky I got jsut got worse..and I didn’t know how much worse it could GET!
Anyway, if not for those ugly shitface cramps, the world would go on without people….BIG picture…BIG picture..
Chin up..hope to talk to you soon..from Jojo xox 🙂
P.S I LOVVVE writing! 🙂
house looks awesome!
They have that new drug for cramps and other PMS type stuff. I saw the commmerical.It is for PMDD and is called Sarafem (?) But its the same ingredient as Prozac, (which also supposedly works for cramps)
Ever since I started to take Luvox (another SSRI med aside from Prozac) I have no had problems anymore although before I would get crampsback spasms so bad I could barely move. Not to mention mood swings so much that I actually even freaked MYSELF out. I don’t know for sure if you are *anti-drugs- just wanted let u know about it.
also Dr weil has tons of great tips that actually help.
That is one gorgeous kitchen. I’m sure you don’t get many men making comments like that, but it looks awesome.
I’m not afraid to say it,.. it’s MINE!!!!
a question…
hi steph!
i got another quick question (sorry to bother you again):
how did you do the rec effect on your home2 camoimage???
I wondered is the rec with the corners one image and the other are stripes you added? or is this a filter occulus already has? i am very curious…
and if you did the stripes (like on a screen or tv) yourself- what filter in photoshop is it?
i have to do something with this stripes for work and can not seem to figure out how to do it right…*sigh*
oki anyway. hope your bad cramps go away fast and you feel better soon!
Wow that is a pretty kitchen. I love those island thingies they have, and you were definitely right to pick the black countertop..=] hope your cramps feel beetter..bye!
Wow. Someday I want a house like that… someday
Beautimus House!!
Stephanie, I just looked over your latest pics of your house in the members section. All I can say is: WOW!! Your house looks beautiful!! The kitchen is lovely (ooooh, hardwood floors and a stove-island thingy) and your master bath looks so elegant (I love the fixtures). The front of the house is incredible (I’ll be honest, I didn’t think it would look that great when you said you were getting a townhouse). I know you and your honey will enjoy the fireplace (my honey and I love ours….it is even remote control in our new house :-P). Good luck with the move in, I know how hectic it can be! BTW, when will the down time begin for stvlive?
Your kitchen looks beautiful. I wanna pretty house too! Oh well. Maybe someday. I’m just thankful for what I’ve got right now. I was going to say that I feel for you about your crampies. None of my friends have them as bad as I do. Nothing helps. I will go soak in a hot bubble bath. SOMETIMES that helps. Ugh. This morning at 3am I got up b/c I was hurting so bad. yuck. I know I’m on the countdown until it’s time to go home and go to sleep! Feel better Steph!