stephanie is: eh eh…

cramps are trying to sneak back. grrr. at least i finally got the good vs evil show (i did with holly) posted. if you are a member, click the ani piccie to go see it:

ow ow ow. make it stop. these stupid cramps are the reason i have no vacation time. missing one day of work per month makes my ten vacation days more than disappear. OW.

today was busy. did work from home. drove over to drop off danny’s car at the dealer for a tuneup. of course it is raining now that he just had it washed. i drove us to the new house and survived the trip. unfortunatly my period started when we got there so standing for 2 hours was so so hard. the house looks great! we shall be busy busy getting things ready for closing and moving next week. danny is now on vacation through next friday. i don’t have off till next wednesday. danny had to drive us home cause my cramps have been too bad. he picked up his car and i went to my po box and got my mail (a sweater from a friend – will take a pic tomorrow, and stuff so that i can buy a birdie feeder setup for the new house from bear). i bought lettuce for our dinner (gardenburgers).

ow i am starting to be in a lot of pain again – right on time so that i will not be able to sleep. at least my period will be over in time to move and “enjoy” the new house…

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