stephanie is: hungry hungry…

as soon as i got home form work (an hour long commute tonight) i changed into jammies and started doing some packing. danny has been asleep. i just stopped packing for the night. bleh.

tomorrow will be busy. i need to get 8 hours of work done, plus do the house walk-through and get some mortgage stuff taken care of.

i am hungries! i guess i should see if danny wants to eat since it is nearly 9pm (oops i never had lunch – worked right through it!). i hate waking him though. sometimes he is pretty cranky. but my tum is saying “grr grr me hungriez grr!”…

0 thoughts on “

  1. packing

    Argh, I remember that from when I moved from my previous apartment to my current one. I was packing off and on for a few weeks. Even with upwards of 30 cardboard boxes, I had a hard time packing everything. I eventually ended up with a pile of random crap that wouldn’t fit in the boxes.

    I learned my lesson though; I’m reserving a friggin Ryder truck at least a month in advance next time. I’m also going through all of my books and magazines before packing next time. I ended up throwing away well over 100 pounds of magazines and assorted books AFTER I moved.

    If you don’t have a handtruck and at least a few dollies, I HIGHLY recommend getting them; they make moving large and/or heavy objects much easier.

    The 186-pound TV, washer, dryer, multiple computers and monitors, endless boxes of magazines and books, and last but not least, the 1/2 ton of granite slabs, ensured that I could barely move the next day 🙂 I caught shit for that from people at work for months… which is OK, because I’m having fun getting people back 😉

    Heh heh, you’re gonna have soooo much fun! 🙂

  2. A veryn wise decision

    We will be moving to a new home in about a month. We got an estimate to move all the furniture and “heavy” stuff. I was surprised how reasonable it is going to be. We did the same thing when we moved into our current house but that was before 2 kids, so things have sort of multiplied.

    Right now 1/2 of the garage is filled with empty boxes. That’s this weekends exercise….to fill some of them.

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