stephanie is: doing admin doing admin.

blah blah about to do some site admin stuff. busy day! normal day at work, but danny told me to leave early and to take the beltway home. in my two years working in tycons, i had never taken it. i hadn’t even gone over 40 mph in about 8 months. everyone in my office told me it was a bad idea to try that on a week night by myself. i was all scared and nervous cause i get pretty panicy about driving by myself. i got some instructions written down just in case. i thought i was going to chicken out again, but right before the exit for the beltway, i took a deep breath and changed into that lane so i wouldn’t have a choice. and i made it home!! yes, stephanie got up to 65 mph and the world did not end! i got a little freaked out when i got off at my exit and the road seemed to go on forever with nothing i recognized. but i kept telling myself the map said it would be 5.5 miles, and that i could pull over and call someone if things got two weird. then all of a sudden i was home! it took about 25 minutes. of course that was cause i left at 3:45pm. it would have been 45-60 mins during rush hour- same as my normal way.

so afterwards danny and i went voting. we had to vote in a mall cause our area is pretty ghetto. it was my first time voting so they had to explain everything to me extra special. no fancy curtains or buttons to push. just little desks with pricavy walls and a paper you fill out with a marking pen that is running out of ink. they gave me an “i voted!” sticker once i fed my ballot into a big copier-like machine.

we ate some taco bell there in the mall and then picked up some foodz to eat this week before we move. the nice checkout lady told us to call on saturday night when they are doing stocking and we could pick up some of thier boxes for free.

i have a feeling bush is going to win. so sad. good luck america.

gonna do some icky admin now while the bunniez run around…

0 thoughts on “

  1. wow voting is so different here!

    I also needed special instructions. I’m in NY now (from Conn) and this was my first voting experience as well. I needed instructions to but I had to go into the booth with all the buttons and vote. real weird.

    I have a weird feeling that Bush isn’t going to win – I think the media is making it all hype – I have no idea though. 🙂

    Hillary Clinton is the new senator of NY.

  2. scary beltway

    I remember being scared the first few times I was on the beltway. Its still very intimidating! But I take it almost everyday and it just takes time. Now, since I have a weird schedule, I like taking it over local roads cause it’s so much faster. If i was going during rush hour though, that would be another story.

  3. autobahn

    The Beltway can be pretty frightening, but after I got the hang of it, I took it all the time 🙂

    oh man, and the f*cked up part is that DC beltway traffic and speed is NOTHING compared to L.A..eep! Most people here go about 70-80 on the freeway, and the only real way to get anywhere.

    • Re: autobahn

      Congrats steph for going on a road that scares you! That’s cool 🙂 I did something scary today too and was proud of myself hehe

    • Re: autobahn

      Yeah! and the 70-80 includes the big trucks. But you have to watch out for those going faster than 100… usually the car-jackers.

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