stephanie is: grumbly grumbly.

grrrr! i feel so ugly and yuck. i have been going through all my pics to sort them into theme galleries and i see how long it took to grow my bangs out to behind-the-ear-length. months and months! i look so ugly with stupid barettes keeping the bangs for sticking straight up. people are writing and telling me they look ugly. i had finally gotten the shortest bits of my hair longish (nose-length) when my glasses caught and ripped one side several times. i didn’t notice the damage till it ate its way up to the point where it was hanging in my eyes and sticking up in pictures. so i had to cut it to eyebrow length to get above the split ends. bah! and of course cut the other side so i’d be symetrical as it grows out. bah bah bah. it is itchy and yucky having little short hairs around your face. and fall is so windy here i have to wear clips or else look like the bride of frankenstein. i did buy some silly clippies for them at target to feel better about it.

amazing that i can write that much about some little hairs around my face. but they are really bugging the snot out of me! that’s it! i’m shaving it all off soo it won’t be in my eyes anymore! hehe

0 thoughts on “

  1. aww

    i’m in the same hair stage right now as well..except all of my hair has short..your hair is so pretty πŸ™‚ i can’t wait till mine is long again

    i think the clippies look adorable on u πŸ™‚ steve thinks mine look sillie tho..hehe!

    i told spooky that her and i will go buy rogaine. u can come too if u want! πŸ˜€

  2. I hate that in-between stage hair goes through. When I get my hair cut, I always get talked into getting it cut shorter again… and it’s always fixed so cute and cuddly when I walk out of the shop… but then WHAMMO! When I get home, it never looks that way again. I just lack talent in the ‘fixing your hair’ department.

    I, for one, think your hair is cute in clippies. Screw what those other people say. Your opinion is the only one that counts. Oops. I forget. You hate ’em, too. Scratch that lame attempt to make you feel better… πŸ˜‰

    Let’s make an estrogen club, where we are allowed to bitch and rant about our hair (or lack thereof), eat chocolate or other no-nos, break out in peaceful pimples, and just enjoy the rest of the estrogen-filled world.


  3. clippies

    How odd. People actually wrote to you and said your clippies are ugly? You must be kidding. I noticed them but thought nothing of them. I thought you looked like…well….you!

    I don’t think I’ve seen you looking “bad”. Not to be mean or anything but my former spouse used to get up in the morning and look truly frightening; she would be all puffy with bags under her bloodshot eyes and blotchy, spotty, grey looking skin (and she was your age). A couple of hours later she would look great (with or without make-up).

    I think you look cute.

  4. bah!

    I’m with the person above on the estrogen club πŸ˜‰

    I’d like to say screw the people who write you annoying things that are so trivial –like commenting on clips or such– but I know it’s annoying. When I kept personal photos on my site there was always someone willing to lend a critique on my appearance (since it was ever changing). “You look better with red hair.” “You look better with blonde hair.” “My god Beth! Put away the twinkie, your butt’s about to devour your entire zip code!” πŸ˜‰ hehe. You get my gist.

    For what it’s worth, I think you look fine πŸ˜‰ But than I make a habit of making perfectly good women look like aliens. So what do I know? πŸ™‚

  5. Clippies

    Are you kidding? I love those clippies! I wish I had “the look” enough to wear them.

    Believe it or not, I just cut my bangs so they *dont* go behind my ears. When they grow that long on my I am all forhead. =)

    PS Anyone got any good ideas for a Username for me?

  6. all of you

    I think all of you look great and I also think it is great that you can be supportive of each other. We guys have to keep it to ourselves if we feel ugly or fat or pimply or we risk getting snapped with a towel in the locker room or some such juvenile/homophobic thing. I envy women for their abiity to be empathetic or sympathetic. I think it is funny sometimes though how really cruel some women can be to each other. I have two female roommates and it is startling how they bash all of the women on t.v. or even in public for being too skinny, too large breasted, too fat, too whatever. So it was really refreshing to see this kindness here. I think that is why I keep coming back here. Point me in the direction of those who are picking on you and I shall defend all of your beauty, it far surpasses any which is merely physical.

    But please don’t forget to bow to the Stale Twinkie of Creamy Goodness. Worlock knows what I mean. hehe

  7. Why is that people fret so much about their hair?

    Rule 1: Don’t sweat the small stuff
    Rule 2: Everything is small stuff

  8. Just be thankful you have hair to worry about. The only place it seems to be actively growing for me is in my ears…….Yuck.

  9. Mward…I would take no comments whatsoever on my looks any day over all the “support”. It’s girls that make girls so self concious. Who do you think reads, writes, sells and upholds all the cultural standards? We do it to ourselves. Take Fiona Apple for an example. She talked about being ones self and not to emmulate “stars”. Ok, in a perfect world. Easy for her to say when she is the standard. I have always said, I would choose to be a guy over being a girl any day.

    Bagu…if it were all that simple.

    • I agree. It would be nice if life was that simple, but sometimes the small stuff turns into an “oh shit!” pile fairly quick.

      Nice to dream though πŸ™‚

      But still….hair….hmmmm

  10. Don’t you dare listen to those mean people who say your hair is ugly! You are as cute as a button! (heh, I sound like my Grandma) If you are that worried about it, I’ll send ya some of my hair! Lord know’s I’ve got enough to share! =)

  11. Nah your too pretty


    Your hair still looks good! Don’t let some jerk’s comment bother you. So big deal your hair is a little shorter. You look nice even when you had bangs.

    who has bangs because the all one length hair is hard to do….

  12. THEY CAN GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!


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