0 thoughts on “

  1. hey steph

    Hi Stephamonkeyhead- Just wanted to say hello and hope you have a great day. I saw the pix of your costume and it looked great! esp. the ho one. hehe but the 50s one was cute, too. I was a teenage Goth for Halloween. I had the full get-up on with all black, tights with skulls all over them, a black trenchcoat, and my shirt said ” I do bad things”
    I just got up to date on your journal and your cat needs Depends! my gosh- the poor thing. hehe
    talk to u l8r byebye.

  2. hairyhairyhairy

    Hmmm you need to shave! Maybe you should make a “shave the stephanie” page… hee hee.. oh shit I just gave myself another idea. Um… hee hee… *mysterious look* I’ll be back *innocent whistling* Maybe not tonight, but soooon….

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