stephanie is: hungries hungries…

herro. i got a raise today – 4k/year. that is good. i think it will add like $150 to each paycheck which helps. woulda been nice to get like a million bazillion dollars though…

i did some cleaning and a bit of sorting when i got home. then the bunnies had a long together-time. the baby so much wants to love bun, but bun is still hanging on th her bitchiness a bit. they are getting better. this is the last thing they have to overcome before they are bonded. i just have to keep increasing their time together.

i’ve been out in the livingroom watching tv while danny works on something on his laptop. tv is pretty lame. i did get to see a making of the video. i love that show. i always want to steal their lighting and backgrounds. danny says we can walk to a friendlies and buy me a grilled cheese sammich. mm.

still feeling bleh bleh bleh. i feel like a giant turd. i do want to say thank you to someone who emailed me that they are sending me a gift. thank you so much – it was a big surprise and gave me warm fuzzies that there are people out there thinking about me.

0 thoughts on “

  1. Hell of a raise!

    You must be doing something right at that place! Keep on rocking like that and you’ll be stepping on the heads of the bourgeosie in no time. Hehehe. Seriously though, congratulations.

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