stephanie is: working working.

well i started out grumpy today but i am getting better. i felt oogy and ugly this morning. i had to cut some hair real short in the front cause it ripped on my glasses. it looks awful and i have to wear retarded barrettes cause the hairs aren’t long enough to lay down on their own. abh! i just have to wait a few months now to get past the awkward stage again. my hair had finally grown out all the bangs! bah!

danny was a sweetie and actually waited for my slow ass this morning. i got to work and they actually said my review is today (only amonth late) and they gave me a website redesign project to start on. been stuck doing marketing grahics and lots of vector illustrations lately.

uh, i forgot what else i was going to write. that is what happens when i write from work and i get distracted so it takes an hour to do one entry…

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  1. hey!

    you don’t know me but i was looking at random journals and came across your’s and it seemed interesting so i added you to my friends list. i hope u don’t mind.

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