stephanie is: amused amused.

bwahaha, someone posted about this silly rate-my-appearance site. and i just couldn’t resist. i chose a picture that i like, but danny hates cause my face is weird. i figure its a good in between pic. i am curious to know what average joe internet thinks of my appearance. i guess i should clarify that i don’t care about what they think, but i am real curious. doesn’t everyone wonder what people think of both their looks and personalities? hehe. i am trying to dig up a really doggy pic of me as well to try to get the lowest score i can… here is the one i submitted so far: zooom! right now most peole are choosing 1-3 out of 10. hehe damn! i guess i’m just not very hot…

ima see if danny wants to eat now. i wanted to take him out to dinner so i asked him what he wants and he said everything sounds bad. hrm! nope he still says “no” so i give up.

0 thoughts on “


    Up to an 8 !!!!

    I would never submit a pic (for many reasons, not the least of which is that I am a dog … in many ways … hehehe)

  2. Pics

    I think Steph and Prof are both definitely 10’s!
    I know I have good taste. I like the Model type and think they both could easily be Models!
    I will try and put a Picture in there when or(IF) I can take a good one.

  3. Heh.

    My co-workers found out about this site a couple weeks ago — which means that any sliver of credibility this site may have had (BAHAHAHAHAHA!) is no longer present.

    For starters, they snagged a terrible picture of the supervisor, posted it, and had everyone vote 1 on it repeatedly. (Except for one guy who kept voting 10, to be even more obnoxious.) Lately they’ve been spending their breaks finding new ways to screw with it; one guy does nothing but click the “inappropriate” link for every picture he sees. =)

    You gotta figure that a fair portion of the pictures up there were posted for revenge anyway. Nothin’ says lovin’ like public humiliation on the Internet.


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