stephanie is: productive!
well it was a busy day. we went out to the house and it looks great! all it needs are some appliances and fixtures and carpeting. we have grass in our little back yard even. when we were about to leave, judy the sales manager mentioned that our black speckled countertop was on order. so i guess we do get that one after all! i thought we would be stuck with the lame white/buff one that looks real outdated like it is going to start staining and turning yellowed. i am assuming at this point that the upgrade cabinets are staying. they have yet to mention them to us. hmm. i know i am not smoking crack – those arn’t the ones we ordered. but i hope we can keep them without having to pay the 1.5k that was the reson we couldn’t get them in the first place. i am babbling. we also went to the pet store for supplies, and dropped some forms off with danny’s brother. i went through thousands of pictures tonight and cooked danny and i lemon-pepper angel hair pasta, white corn, and buscuits for dinner.
added MANY pictures to the site:
members gallery: new house 001029

phew! glad i got those done. tomorrow night i will work on finishing the good-vs-evil show gallery. busy busy. i beeter go to sleep now. i have to get up at 6:45am. BAH!
that foot picture is sooooooo cool.
do you take donations from paypal? i gotta check out the rest of your pictures!! :))
yea yea 🙂 if you do it before nov then it goes to cancer charities too 🙂
there are only 6 pictures of the shoes cause i was sleepies but i want to take more cause the lines were so pretties…
totally pretty, what’s your email for paypal? i’ll shoot something off today.
yay i just donated! w00t!
yey! thanks for choosing – they are behind in donations…
i sent your info to dannymonster to be added
yeah that’s why i picked them! 🙂 can’t wait to see your piccies.
after you do, if you have any suggestions for more to add to that gallery let me know… i need to look through my fetish photography book for more ideas..