Free Screen Cleaner

Have your noticed that your computer monitor, after a few years of use, is just not as clear as it was when new? After years of study, scientists have discovered that electrostatic charges can cause residue build-up on the interior surface of the glass, leading to degraded picture quality.

'How do I clean the inside of my moniter?' you ask? Put away that screw driver! There's no need to take your display apart, thanks to this cutting-edge web application that can actually clean the inside of your screen!! The process takes less than 30 seconds, and the difference is immediately noticeable!

Click here to begin the screen cleaning program.

This was sent to me via one of those emails that is forwarded a million times. I would never forward one of those emails on, but this one was so cute that I had to share.

After looking around online, it looks like it is from The Slurps. So, all credit/copyrights/props go to them. Slurp!